Getting back into the swing of things...

My last few days as a stay-at-home-mom are coming to a close... Thus begins the mad dash of anxiety to get back in "teaching mode".

Currently, my students are reading a novel together in class... It's not a regular thing for me to assign one novel for ALL kids to read.  Usually, I have them choose groups and choose a book from my book club collection that's on their level.  They map out their readings and assignments then discuss them in class.

But my sub (with the help of my wonderful teammates) chose a really good book from our book room.  My school doesn't have a traditional library.  Instead, it has class sets of various chapter books.  Tucked away on the shelf was a little gem: The Adventures of Charlie Pierce: The Last Egret.

I teach 4th grade in Florida and for everyone who knows, 4th grade is the year you teach state history.  *cue the "wha wha wha"* After teaching Florida History for 8 years, it takes its toll.  Well, I asked for a copy of the book so I could catch up with the class and be up-to-speed for my return on Monday.  What a cute book!  And not your traditional novel.  The book is landscape instead of portrait!  And the text is larger along with some sketch drawings throughout.  Plus, it has a ton of awards!  Down side is that it's not an AR book, but oh well, you can't have it all ;)

If you haven't read these historical fiction novels, you should.  Moreover, you should read it with your class.  From what feedback I've heard, the kids are really enjoying the book and they get excited when they read about something they've read about in the SS textbook.

What's even better, it that there are two other books in the series!  Check them out.

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