After trying all sorts of strategies and reading a few books, I came to the enlightenment that students who are enabled or given excuses, will continue to do the behaviors they always do. That is, unless, they are guided with clear expectations and held accountable for the things they are capable of doing.

The "S" was added in the later editions and I welcomed it - Except I used the word SIGNAL instead of SUCCESS. The newer editions come with a CD with printable visual pictures to go along with each action. I don't have pictures of it in action because I gave away my stash but I will update with photos of examples once my girl, @b.e.teaching, finishes her room. In the meantime, Google and Pinterest are full of visuals and links.
CHAMPS is a Game-Changer! Once I post the expectations for the activity, the only answer I have for students who have questions is, "What does the CHAMP say?" Their little feet scurry over to the board and the lightbulb goes on. A few times and they get it - Check the CHAMP first!

I had to do was just PUT the rubber bands on and he straightened right up. Once we extinguished the calling out, we moved on to other unwanted behaviors.
Download this FREE (and editable - YAY!) data collection chart. Each day I would have the student graph the number of times he called out. This way, he had a visual reinforcement. In a few weeks I had data to share with his mother and with our Guidance Counselor. With this particular student, RtI wasn't necessary because the intervention worked, but I've used the same data collection chart for fluency and score-keeping by just changing the numerical scale on the left and the descriptor on the top.
I hope you enjoy these books and strategies! Share your stories in the comments below!
Happy Teaching!
thank you so much it really a magic in the class room I like it and I believe that Education can change the world