States of Matter

Even though I have an intern, I still have the itch to teach (especially when it's something fun).  I realized that the class was studying the states of matter and immediately logged onto my Pinterest account because I knew I had some awesome pics.  I found two that I really liked and combined them into one activity.  The kids were so good during the process, one said, "It's so quite."  My reply was, "THAT'S what working sounds like."  LOL  Kids are so funny (and honest).

So here are the pins I had on my Pinterest for instiration:
Frogs and Cupcakes


This was what I ended up with.  
(I always show the completed model first - helps those "whole-to-part" students)

I passed out rulers, liquid glue and construction paper.  I also took the kids step-by-step through numbers 1-5 below displaying on the document camera.  Here were my directions to my 4th graders:

1. "Turn the paper landscape." (using math terms here people - no hotdogs or hamburgers here)
2. "Using ONLY PENCIL, write the title States of Matter."
3. "Using your ruler, draw a horizontal line under the title."
4. "How many inches across is the paper?"    
    "12 inches." 
    "How many sections do I want to make for my topics?"
    "What is 12 divided by 3?"
    "So I want to make a notch every 4 inches.  Place your ruler on the line you just drew and mark it at 4 and 8 inches.  Now do the same with the VERY bottom edge of your paper."
5. "Using your ruler, connect the notches to make two vertical lines."
6. "Now that you have three sections, copy my model EXCEPT, I want YOU to write in your OWN examples."
7. "When you are finished with your written work, raise your hand and I will give you a handful of 'particles'.  Use these to model how the particles look in each state of matter."
8. "When your work is complete, you may trace your pencil with marker and you may eat any remaining Fruit Loops."

Let me tell you, I had kids working so quickly and quietly.  They really enjoyed this activity.  I've already got the next idea cooking ;)

Update: Here is the bulletin board when all is said and done :)



Lacie, at Polka Dots & Pencils, is having a HUGE giveaway!  Check out all the goodies she has!


Main Idea Bundle - DONE!

Phew!  I finally decided to bundle my main idea/detail articles and graphic organizers!  So now my followers can purchase 5 for the price of 4 ;)  Every savings counts, right??

If you haven't seen my best-selling product, feel free to stop by my TPT store.  Or go directly to the bundle :)

Here are a few snap shots of what you'll find there:


Who wants their very own LAMINATOR??

Nicole, at Rowdy in Room 300, is having a spectacular giveaway!  You could win your very own laminator!!  Come join in the fun :)


Fundraise for a Cause

Alisha, The Bubbly Blonde Teacher, has had some sad news come her way.  Please read how she is raising money for a dear friend in need AND sharing some AWESOME teacher resources!  Go join in the giving (and receiving)!


Anchor Chart

I had a pretty productive week... Still trying to get into the groove (and remember to make ALL the copies I need to make each week).

I have an intern who is great.  (Hi Shane!)  I lucked out.  I hope he will take over when I'm on maternity leave in February (hint hint).  At any rate, he's great with the kids.  And just as strict has high of expectations just like I do.

I had to share this anchor chart with you all.  I think it's too cute.  The kiddos copied it into their notebooks (tried to any way).  This was the point in the year where the kids got to catch a glimpse of my "drawing" talents.  They were impressed to say the least.


Two weeks down... 34 to go!


The second week of school is over... I made it... We had a tropical storm last week (Monday was a "hurricane day" so no school - then Labor Day yesterday).  Nothing like cramming in work unexpectedly...

I wanted to share some of the new things I've rolled out for this school year!

1) Mountain Math - If you haven't seen it, it is a great review of pretty much every math concept.  And it's for grades K-8!  The down side is it's not technically aligned with Common Core, but it's still good review nonetheless.

2) Weekly Work - for when the kids finish early... I made a worksheet of activities I'd like them to do.  I have these GREAT Reading Comprehension cards for grades 3-5.  They are leveled progressively.  So based on their last year's test scores, I will begin each student on a different card so as to avoid any of the "I can't find the card I need," whining.  The kids will have until Friday to read 5 cards and record their 5 answers on the worksheet.
Next, I have a place for them to read an Accelerated Reader picture book and take a quiz.  

Then, they make up four math problems and solve them (six digit addition and subtraction, multiplication, division).  

Finally, I have a space for Boggle words :)

*Phew!*  I've got them busy busy busy all day! ;)

What did you try new this year?
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