Function Tables and Area & Perimeter

Happy Tuesday!

So we have two days of testing done *phew* Two more to go.  Math is tomorrow and Thursday and we've really been freshening up on our skills.  I completed two games (and tried them out on my beta group, i.e. my kids).

   "Mrs. Siegel, this is a fun game!" Elan smiles, snatching up a card and racing back to his seat.
   "Really? OK?" I shrugged.  "Glad you are enjoying math today."

This is the same kid who asked me at carpool if I could email him two of the area figures so he could figure them out at home...  Good thing the iPhone is so handy...

I don't know if it was the fact that the kids could get up and move around, work with a friend, or the actual math, but I don't care LOL.  They liked the game and reviewed at the same time.  Mission accomplished.

Here are two of my beauties working together.  I did a quick assessment by putting up one advanced area figure.  Those who got it, were paired with those who didn't.  By the end, everyone was able to do the work.  So here's how it went... I handed each pair a record sheet and one card.  On the card was a complex figure.  They were to determine the area and bring it to me (it's easier to just sit and have the kids come to me in these activities - plus, they get to move around).  If it was correct, they got a check, placed their card on the table, and picked up another card.  If it was wrong, I circled it and they went back to work on it until it was correct.  Once they completed all of the area problems, they got a treat.  Then they were to work on finding the perimeter.  They had a TON of practice today...

Also, on Friday, I had the kids do the same type of activity as above with Function Tables.  Boy, I don't know about you, but so many of my kids confuse patterns with function tables 8-0.  So I posted an infamous problem from one of our review tests.   
So many of my kids put 30!?!  What a good distractor!  After I posted this problem, we did the first function card and I had each student whisper the answer into my ear so I could get an idea of who knew and who didn't.  Once I had that info, I formed pairs and the activity commenced.  Again, lots of practice.  Hopefully it will sink in.  We shall see...


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